Sunday, August 17, 2008

Is Walmart a political dictatorship in telling their employees who to vote for?

Is Walmart a political dictatorship in telling their employees who to vote for?

Is Walmart shaking down their unionized employees in giving them an ultimatum in who to vote for in the upcoming United States presidentialelection? Are their jobs going to be jeopardized if they do what they are allegedly told to? To be or not to be.. See this video on Walmart.

Suits of DESTRUCTION!!!1one

So Bree and I have been working on a card game recently. I've found it to be very fun, and it uses normal game items (so you don't have to buy anything, probably). It's currently code-named Suits of Destruction (but that will likely change, as a card game called SoD is kind of lame). Anywho, it's pretty fun, and I'll be uploading a copy of the game's rules as soon as I've finished revising it with our latest changes. (We're still in the process of perfecting the system.) Check back soon for th

The Free App Store Review IX: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Crappiness

Its that time again. The tide of new freebies just doesnt let up. It is relentless, determined, and occasionally it smells bad. But Im here to give them all single-paragraph reviews anyway so you know whats cool, whats crap, and what certain developers are smoking. Today, we have a smrgsbord of apps in all sorts of different flavours, some youll like, and some youll request to be transferred to the other end of the table so as not to contaminate the good stuff. Yeah, I review e

See also

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